Series: Pursuit
Sermon: Partnership
Scripture: Philippians 1:1-11
REVIEW: In this new series called Pursuit, we are exploring how to live a life of purpose and value by examining the book of Philippians. Today's message focused on the importance of partnership in pursuing a meaningful life.
Key Points:
Introduction to Pursuit:
Everyone is pursuing something: money, career, fame, relationships, health, etc.
Pursuit gives life meaning and purpose, but trivial pursuits can leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. Trivial Pursuits:
Many people spend their lives pursuing things of little importance or value, such as social media, material possessions, superficial appearances, and fleeting pleasures.
These pursuits provide temporary satisfaction but ultimately leave us unfulfilled. Partnership in Pursuit:
The Apostle Paul, a model of intentional pursuit, highlights the importance of partnership in his letter to the Philippians.
The Philippians were unique in their deep fellowship and partnership with Paul in spreading the gospel.
Paul’s partnership with the Philippians was crucial for his ministry and the spread of the gospel.
Paul expressed gratitude for the Philippians’ partnership and prays for their continued growth in love, knowledge, and discernment.
Evaluate Your Pursuits:
Are you spending your time and energy on pursuits that have little value or importance?
How can you shift your focus to more meaningful pursuits that align with God's purposes for your life? Embrace Partnership:
Who are the partners in your life that help you pursue your goals and live intentionally?
How can you strengthen these partnerships and become a better partner to others in your community? Invest in Eternal Things:
Are you investing your life in things that matter beyond this life?
How can you contribute your resources, time, and talents to advance the gospel and make a lasting impact?
PRAY: Ask God to help you identify areas in your life where you are pursuing trivial things and to give you the strength to shift your focus to pursuits that honor Him. Pray for the courage to embrace partnerships that help you live intentionally and make a lasting impact.
