Series: MetaVision
Sermon: Dying To See It
Scripture: Acts 1:6-8
This week, we jumped back into the MetaVision series we started last Summer! The first time we went through MetaVision, we unveiled the big-picture vision that would guide our movement for the next 15-20 years!
This time, we are taking practical steps toward the first phase of our vision:
Our first step is to reopen our Helotes location later this year! We have been SO excited to see how God will use this strategy to grow our movement and build His kingdom. We are DYING TO SEE IT!
To help us prepare for the task ahead, we looked back at our key verse:
Acts 1:8
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
In context, the disciples had just asked Jesus if he would restore Israel's kingdom. They wanted an answer about the future, but they got an assignment instead. Jesus told them they did not need to worry about when the kingdom was coming. Instead, he assured them that they would receive the power they needed for the task ahead.
This short verse teaches us that our power is sourced in the Holy Spirit, and our assignment has given us a brand new identity! Jesus said, "YOU WILL BE..." which is a statement about the core of who we are! The specific call was to be His "WITNESSES."
A faithful witness is someone who experiences something and tells others about it! Shockingly, we learned that the Greek word used here for "witnesses" is the word from which we get the term "martyr."
In other words, if you are dying to see it, you have to be willing to die to see it!
Jesus told His disciples that they must be willing to "deny themselves" and "take up their cross" to follow Him. The full power of the Holy Spirit inside us is released when we are willing to be faithful witnesses, telling others about Jesus even at a significant cost to ourselves!
Over the next two weeks, we are calling for around 40 people to make a high-level commitment as a part of the Helotes launch team. We are also asking for 50-100 people to become volunteers at our current Richland Hills location.
On a personal level, we also must be willing to live as a witness in our everyday lives! We say it all the time at MetaChurch - YOU ARE THE MOVEMENT! Our mission is to do whatever it takes to get people to Jesus.
What will you have to "die to" to become a witness of Jesus fully? (Time, energy, convenience, comfort, pain, finances, etc.)
What role(s) do you feel God is calling you to play in the MetaChurch movement?
What is ONE WAY you will be a witness for Christ this week?
Ask God to put the exact right people in the exact right places so that MetaChurch can move powerfully into our future!
