Sermon: Thirst Trap
Scripture: John 4:10, 13–14, Psalm 139:23–24
This week, we explored the “Thirst Trap” concept by examining the Samaritan woman's story at the well. In her encounter with Jesus, we learned that while the water from the well temporarily quenched her physical thirst, it could never satisfy her deepest longings.
Jesus revealed that if we keep drinking from the same worldly well—seeking fulfillment in temporary things like success, relationships, or fleeting pleasures—we will always remain thirsty. Instead, He offers us the living water that refreshes our souls and brings eternal life.
We recognized that many of us are caught in a cycle of chasing things that promise satisfaction but ultimately leave us empty and that the Gospel is not merely information but an invitation to transformation.
Reflect on your own life: In what areas do you find yourself repeatedly seeking fulfillment that never satisfies?
Consider your relationships and pursuits: How might you be chasing after temporary "wells" that leave you thirsty?
What is ONE specific step you will take this week to intentionally seek the living water of Jesus instead of the temporary satisfaction of worldly things?
Take some time to thank God for offering living water that truly satisfies and never runs dry.
Ask Him to search your heart to reveal your life's “thirst traps”—those areas where you seek fulfillment in the wrong places.
Pray for the courage and wisdom to turn away from those empty sources and embrace the refreshing, eternal life that comes from trusting in Jesus.