Sermon: One of One
Scriptures: Exodus 20:3-6, Romans 1:22-23, Ezekiel 14:3, Psalm 139:23-24
This week, we explored the first two commandments: Put God First and Don’t Worship Idols. These commands are deeply connected, as putting God first necessitates removing anything else that could take His rightful place in our lives.
We saw how idolatry is not just an ancient problem but a modern one. Idolatry occurs whenever something becomes the ultimate organizing principle of our lives, taking the position that belongs to God alone. While idols in the past were often physical objects, today, they are often things like aspirations, relationships, careers, or material possessions.
We learned that whatever sits at the top of our hierarchy of values becomes our “god.” It shapes our decisions, priorities, and relationships.
The disorder we experience in life—whether it’s financial struggles, relational conflicts, or emotional instability—often points to something other than God occupying His rightful place. The good news is that by submitting every area of our lives to God, we can realign our values and experience peace, purpose, and hope. God calls us to audit our hearts and ensure He remains one of one in our lives.
Spend time this week identifying what might have taken God’s place at the top of your value hierarchy. Is it wealth, comfort, relationships, or success?
Where are areas of disorder in your life that may indicate misplaced priorities?
What is ONE WAY you will seek to keep God in His rightful place in your life this week?
Ask God to reveal areas in your life where idols have taken His place.
Pray for the courage to surrender those areas to Him and trust Him as the ultimate source of your values and priorities.
Thank God for His faithful love that aligns us with His will.