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RAP SHEET 10/6/24


Sermon: The Lie: Good Works Bring Security

Key Scriptures: Ephesians 2:8-9, Galatians 3:1-3, 10, 13, Romans 8:38-39


This week, we wrapped up our series on insecurity by confronting the lie that "good works bring security." We highlighted how insecurity is rooted in our search for significance and security, often leading us to rely on our good works to earn God's favor. Throughout history, religious systems have misled people into believing they must work their way to God, introducing control and insecurity into the Christian experience.

Jesus came to offer something radically different: a relationship with God that is a free gift received by grace through faith. This truth is clearly presented in Ephesians 2:8-9, which states that salvation is "not from works." However, despite scripture's clarity, many Christians have fallen into the trap of believing that their relationship with God depends on their ability to perform good works.

Drawing from Paul's letter to the Galatians, we exposed the error of returning to a works-based mentality after having started in faith. Galatians 3 warns against trying to earn or maintain salvation through personal efforts, stating that all who rely on works are under a curse. Instead, Christ has redeemed us from that curse by becoming a curse for us on the cross.


Where have you relied on your works to feel secure in your relationship with God?

How does understanding that your security is rooted in Jesus' finished work change how you live out your faith?

What steps can you take this week to shift your focus from your own works to God's grace and love for you?


Pray for God to reveal areas where you have been trying to earn His love through your own efforts. Ask Him to help you find rest and security in the finished work of Jesus. Thank Him for the gift of salvation that comes through faith and not by works, and pray for the courage to walk in this new life with confidence.


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