Series: What You Started
Sermon: "Managing Your Miracles"
Scripture: Joshua 5:2-12; John 4:34-35; Matthew 9:35-37
This week, we reflected on what it means to manage the miracles God has placed in our lives. The message was drawn from Joshua 5, where the Israelites, having crossed into the Promised Land, were called to manage the miracle they had been given.
We saw that God commanded the Israelites to be set apart through circumcision after they entered the Promised Land. This physical act symbolized their distinction from the pagan nations around them. We learned that being set apart today is a matter of the heart—allowing God to shape us inwardly for the purpose He has for us.
Next, we examined how the Israelites celebrated Passover after being set apart, shifting their focus from themselves to God’s provision. After Jesus, the Passover meal becomes Communion, where we remember all that Jesus has done for us. This focus reminds us to trust not in what we can do but in what God is doing through us.
Finally, we saw that the day after the Israelites ate from the land's produce, the manna ceased. God called them to participate in His provision by cultivating the land He had given them. This teaches us that while God provides, we must actively manage the miracles He brings our way. We are not passive recipients; we are called to participate actively in the work He is doing through us.
What is one way you can set yourself apart to be more fully used by God in this season of your life?
What areas of your life are you focusing on yourself instead of focusing on God’s provision and His plan?
What is one step you can take this week to begin actively supporting and participating in God's work through MetaChurch?
Ask God to help you be Set Apart, Focused, and Active in the purpose he has placed on your life. Take time to thank Jesus for all He has given you. Seek how the Holy Spirit may be calling you to participate in the life of Jesus's movement.