Series: What You Started
Message: The Win Before The Win
"Be Strong and Courageous" was the call to action from God to Joshua. However, these words were not first heard in Joshua Chapter 1; Moses had already spoken these words to Joshua right before his death.
God wants to use every part of your life to move you towards victory in your future. The Wins that you are experiencing today are setting you up to trust God for Wins tomorrow. Even more incredible, the losses that you are suffering, if you give them to God, He will redeem them to direct you towards your destiny.
What is an area of your life that you need help being Strong and Courageous?
After Moses' pep talk, Joshua sent two spies into Jericho. This fortified city would be the Israelites first major obstacle on the path to the Promised Land. What they found out when they arrived must have shocked them. The people of Jericho were terrified of the Israelites! They had heard about all the ways God had secured victories for Israel and they lost all their courage!
God had gone before Joshua and was already working on his behalf - The Win Before The Win. Joshua learned that his Strength and Courage does not come from himself, but from the God who fights for him!
What has happened in your past that you thought was a huge loss only to find out later it was a blessing? (lost a job that led to a better one, got dumped by someone you should not have been with anyway, moved away from your hometown only to find an amazing community, etc.)
How does remembering the past "Wins before the Win" help you see your current struggles in a new light? APPLY:
The Christian life is full of spiritual battles. At MetaChurch we are not content to sit back and relax at the beginning of What God Started. We are committed to engaging in the war for the people who are living without any hope! However, our confidence and our victories do not come by our own skill or power - our victory is secured by the God who goes before us!
What is one way that you will be strong and courageous this week? In other words: what is one area that you will have a renewed sense of trust in the God who has gone before you?
For some of you, this will mean choosing to join the MetaChurch Launch team for our new Location. Leaving the comfort of your Sunday routine and helping to serve and start a new work to reach more people. PRAY:
After each team member has committed to this week's application, spend some time praying for each other to experience God in new and amazing ways. Pray for our new Location - that the right people will come alongside to help launch it and that it will be effective in bringing hope to many people in that area.
Ask God to give you perspective on the things he has redeemed in your past. Seek the Holy Spirit to allow that redemption to translate into confidence for your future.